Get funds for your invoices now. Why Wait?

Figure out your cash flow before taking on those new orders. Learn the benefits of invoice factoring!

Figure out your cash flow before taking on those new orders. Learn the benefits of invoice factoring!

Machine Shop Factoring – Plan ahead and beat your competition

Machine shops will benefit from improved economic conditions when new purchase orders are re-directed back to our homeland.  This improvement in rapid growth can create cash flow shortages for many small machine owners that may not have the cash reserves needed to purchase necessary raw materials at a discount, or at all..

Purchasing raw materials and upgrading machinery to fill customer orders puts a untimely strain on a company’s cash flow when they may also need funds for their expanding labor base.  Invoice factoring of their receivables is a clean cash flow solution that can meet their cash demands without adding a new loan to the balance sheet or impair their equity positions.  Factoring can grow as you grow – offering more capital as the demands fluctuate, thus no long term loan commitments.

Avoid getting a raw deal.

Growing small and medium-sized manufacturing companies will be vulnerable to early demands for cash flow that will eventually restrict their business operations. Finding a trust worthy funding company that can grow seamlessly with your demands can be pivotal to managing your future as well as your personal stresses.

Machine shop owners should create a comfortable working relationship early in process

Approval for bank loans is typically very cumbersome, difficult to qualify and takes up valuable time. Machine shop factoring offers you the opportunity to turn its outstanding invoices into immediate cash, offers quick simple to qualify approvals, and has no obligation of monthly repayment.


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